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Save A Museum is all about digitally preserving items of any and all the Museums, Historical Houses, State and National sites; along with any buildings, collections, artifacts, items, manuscripts, etc,. We want to preserve through digital photography the things that could be lost due to an institution closing. We also want to digitally archive collections of Museums, that have more artifacts than space to properly display such items.   We feel that with the digital technology now available to us we can help to preserve things that might never see the light of an exhibion again. We strive to be able to send our associates out in the field to digitally capture these treasures, which could be lost if they are not digially documented. 

If you  are in NYS Institution  and in need of our services please let us know and we will try to help you digitally preserve your collections.

In the near future we will archive these digital images and let them be viewed by anyone who has web access


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